Sunday, April 18, 2010

Books ~ Delicious Books!

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed on and digested. ~ Francis Bacon

Today ... child #2 says, "I'm bored."  I suggest, among other things, "Read a book," to which he says, "Reading is boring."  With even the smallest measure of my blood flowing through his veins, I know he can't possibly believe that.  He gets very upset when we have to skip bedtime reading (me reading to him).  I've come to believe that technology is his generation's reading nemesis.  It gives them so much information instantaneously and comparatively makes reading seem harder because they have to dig for plot, context, etc.  I think there's a lot of "tasting" of books by the majority of kids today, and not much chewing or digesting.  Such a shame.

Fiction is my least favorite genre.  It's just the way I'm wired.  There are exceptions, though.  To Kill A Mockingbird tops my list of fiction titles, and the main characters in it are like old friends of whom I'm so proud.

The books I do own are so beloved that I liken them to my children:  it's ok if they go somewhere for a visit, but I need to know where they are and when they're coming home.

My favorite chewable, digestibles?  The ones I've underlined and highlighted and re-read over and over?

 * What's So Amazing About Grace? by Phillip Yancey  
 * The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw
 * No Such Thing As A Bad Day by Hamilton Jordan
 * My Grandfather's Son by Justice Clarence Thomas

These four are especially dear to me because they positively changed my way of thinking.  In their pages are love and forgiveness, hard work and persistence, hope and honesty ~ detailed in such a way that I can grasp and apply those principles in my own life. 

Off now to spend a little time with Phillip (Yancey) ... it's been awhile since we've visited and I feel the need for a deep dish of grace.

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